Heavy demolition scope removing piping, pumps, pressure vessels and various other equipment. Significant abatement scope. Installation of new pipe, pumps and equipment while in an active school environment requiring close coordination with school board management team. Scope included for Controls, Abatement, Insulation and TAB
Remove existing RTU and replace with new unit above school gym while in an active school environment requiring close coordination with school board management team. Scope included for additional HVAC, Controls, Insulation and TAB
Large scale renovation project consisting of exterior podium level building envelope modifications, as well as partial basement, main and second floor renovations. Total interior washroom renovations and replacement in 24 locations. Significant demolition scope including sprinkler, sanitary piping below grade, existing HVAC duct, fan coils, VAV’s, grills and diffusers. Piping and HVAC installation scope consisted replacement of heating and cooling piping systems and tie into existing systems. Supply and installation of Cabinet Unit Heaters, Exhaust Fans, Radiant Panels, Unit Heaters, Trench Heaters, Domestic Hot Water Tanks, Chilled Pumps and Recirc Pumps. Our scope also included for Controls, Sprinkler, Abatement, Insulation and TAB. All work conducted in an occupied office building in downtown Edmonton, connecting Jasper Ave, Underground LRT Station and escalators serving third floor.
Demolition and replacement of multiple boilers in active shop / office building. Scope included associated piping, various pump replacements, unit heater installations while in an occupied environment. Strategic coordination was required as to not interrupt heating capabilities during required shutdowns.
Demolition and replacement of HVAC and plumbing pipe and equipment. Upgrade of the fire protection system, pipe and HVAC insulation, Controls and TAB while in an occupied building space.
Addition of Sump Pits, pumps, weeping tile and reno of existing RWL system.
Demo and replacement of existing boilers, pumps and associated equipment for the Town of Hinton Rec Centre pool.
Reno of the Garneau Professional Building to demise into three separate CRU spaces including RTU’s and associated HVAC and plumbing.
HVAC and plumbing scope in both the main building and the substation including underground sanitary and storm system modifications.
Complete upgrade of HVAC system and MAU installation additional structural steel requirements. Responsible for Electrical requirements, TAB, HVAC insulation and structural engineering.
Rehabilitation of Jasper Park Lodge Sanitary Lift Station as General Contractor responsible for upgrading Sanitary Lift Station Infrastructure including Wet Well venting, HVAC, epoxy coating of pipe, discharge piping, controls, balancing and roof structure.
Addition of associated HVAC duct and installation of Condensing Unit connecting second building to Brewhouse Building for distillery in Parkland County.
Demolition and replacement of HVAC and plumbing pipe and equipment. New Heating Water piping system connecting to existing included install of new custom cabinet unit heaters, finned tube radiation and forced convection units. Scope included for controls, insulation and TAB. All work performed in an active school environment, while coordinating activities as to not cause any disruptions.
Demolition and replacement of HVAC and plumbing pipe and equipment. Installation of new fixtures, HVAC, Controls, Insulation and Sprinkler in an occupied school. All work was performed in an active school environment requiring close coordination with school board management team.